Emilys 's blog


quotes about life

when life gives you hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have thousand reason to smile.

learn from the mistake of others, you cant live long enough to make them yourselves!

Im not single , im not taken, im simply reserved for the one that deserves my heart.

Enjoy the little things in life,because one day you will look back,and realize they were the big things.

The 3 C's of life ,choice,chances,changes.you most make a choice to take a chance or your life will never change.

Quotes about happiness
  1. If it makes you happy no one esle's opinion matters
  2. stop worrying about what you have to loose and start foccusing on what you have to gain
  3. never apoligize to others for there misunderstanding of who you are
  4. once you stop chasing the wrong things , the right ones catch you